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I am a Japanese artist photographer living and working in north-east England.

Prior to my current role as a Lecturer in Fine Art at Teesside University, I was the Jo Spence Research Fellow at Northumbria University, where I began working on art and healthcare collaborative projects with Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust.

As an artist-photographer, I am interested in exploring how photography can be used to visualize and communicate abstract concepts such as wellbeing, memory, identity, belonging, and interpersonal relationships. I work with both digital and traditional image-making methods to create my photographs that explore these themes.

As a researcher and educator, I explore the educational implications of this creative process, focusing on its potential to foster individual autonomy and promote awareness of diverse and inclusive ways of living.


  • 2009 ~ ongoing: Lecturer in Fine Art, Teesside University, U.K.

  • 2000~2003: Jo Spence Research Fellow, Northumbria University, U.K.

  • 1997~1998: Assistant for Photography studio & Freelance Commercial Photographers, Japan.


  • 2004-2009: MPhil Fine Art, School of Arts & Social Sciences, Northumbria University, U.K.

  • 1998-2000: MA Photography, School of Arts & Design, Nottingham Trent University, U.K.

  • 1994-1998: BA Media Art, School of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan.


  • 2012: Combined Royal Colleges Medal, Royal Photographic Society, London, U.K.

  • 2006: Overall winner, The Seeds of Change Photographic Award, London, U.K.

  • 2005: The Miki Jun Award, Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan.

  • 2000~2003: Jo Spence Fellowship, Northumbria University, UK.

  • 2000: Overall winner, The Observer Hodge Photographic Award, The Observer, London, U.K.

  • 2000: Jack Jackson Photography Award, U.K.

  • 1997: Fox Talbot Photography Award, Tokyo, Japan.

  • 1995: Kodak Student Photography Award, Tokyo, Japan.

Research Projects:

  • 2017: in Middlesbrough. This is a Lottery funded project which is managed and delivered by NACRO in Tees Valley.

  • 2000-2003: Images of Trust: A year in the life of Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Northumbria University.

Exhibitions & Artist activities:

  • 2020: Healing Arts project, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust.

  • 2017: Group Exhibition, Wa no Contemporary Art in Japan, Takamatsu, Shikoku, Japan.

  • 2016: Artist in Residency, Miyoshi, Tokushima, Sikoku Island, Japan.

  • 2006, Group Exhibition, , London, U.K.

  • 2005: Solo Exhibition, The Miki Jun Award, Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan.

  • 2000, Group Exhibition, , The Observer, London, U.K.

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